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In a nutshell: to avoid your shell character set from messing with imports, use -r to export and SOURCE when importing.
Dumping safely
# Do not do this, since it might screw up encoding
mysqldump -uroot -p database > utf8.dump # this is bad
Better do:
mysqldump -uroot -p database -r utf8.dump
Note that when your MySQL server is not set to UTF-8 you need to do mysqldump --default-character-set=latin1
(!) to get a correctly encoded dump. In that case, you will also need to remove the SET NAMES='latin1'
comment at the top of the dump, so the target machine won't change its UTF-8 charset when sourcing.
If you only want to dump the structure without data, use
mysqldump -uroot -p --no-data database -r utf8.dump
Importing a dump safely
# Do not do this, since it might screw up encoding
mysql -u username -p database < dump_file # this is bad
Better do:
mysql -uroot -p --default-character-set=utf8mb4 database
mysql> SET names 'utf8';
mysql> SOURCE utf8.dump;
Ref: https://makandracards.com/makandra/595-dumping-and-importing-from-to-mysql-in-an-utf-8-safe-way